How to maintain health in the winter solstice and winter

In December, the region has entered the winter, and December is the end of the year. It includes two periods of heavy snowfall and winter solstice. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that December has reached the good times of "tonic," and it is through physical training, diet, physical training, appropriate temperature and cold, and careful sexual intercourse. Let's take a look at how to eat and drink in December.


Breakfast should drink porridge

Experts believe that winter porridge is special for people. Get up early every day, fasting empty stomach, you can drink a bowl of hot porridge, so nourish the stomach, will not increase the burden on the digestive system, it will not lead to obesity. At the same time, it is recommended to drink hot porridge when you have a cold, because porridge helps the body sweat, heat, cold wind, can effectively promote the cure of colds. What porridge is suitable for drinking in December?

1. Walnut porridge

Practice: 1/3 cup glutinous rice, 5 walnuts, 1 red dates, a little salt. Peel the walnuts and remove them, soak them in the water, peel them off and chop them; pulverize the dates and smash them after soaking in water; add the walnuts, red dates, and glutinous rice in a small pot and boil; After good seasoning with salt.

Efficacy: This recipe has a good kidney and nourishing the spleen and stomach. Regular use of walnut porridge can make the blood in the body more vigorous, not only the skin becomes more glossy, but also the body will be more beautiful, and not easy to appear white hair.

2, yam mutton porridge

Method: 500 grams of yam, 100 grams of mutton, 200 grams of Japanese rice, 6 grams of salt, two tablespoons of cooking wine, 20 grams of ginger. Dipping diced yam, soaked in clear water, spare; mutton slice flying, remove after discoloration, control dry water reserve; Japanese rice can be soaked well in advance; add rice and mutton into soup pot with 2 times of ingredients The above water, after boiling, add salt, ginger, cooking wine, and then transfer to the simmer for 10 minutes; then the yam will fall into the pot and continue to simmer for 20 minutes to half a minute.

Efficacy: Yam mutton porridge with cereal, nourishing warming, has a very good effect on the cold limbs, is very suitable for winter consumption.

3, black rice red dates porridge

Practice: 80 grams of black rice, 20 grams of rice, red dates 40 grams, 5 grams of wolfberry fruit. Sugar 5 grams. The black rice was washed cleanly and soaked for 5 hours; the rice was washed and soaked for 30 minutes; the red dates were washed and cleaned; the rice dumplings were washed. Set the pot on the fire, add black rice, rice, red dates and the appropriate amount of water, the fire boiled over low heat boiled porridge, add wolfberry fruit and cook for 5 minutes, with sugar can be seasoned.

Efficacy: This porridge will nourish the spleen and improve the indigestion.

4, yam chestnut porridge

Practice: 300 grams of yam, cooked chestnuts 100 grams, 40 grams of rice, 60 grams of rice, 10 grams, 7 red dates. Yam peeled. Wash the dates and peel the chestnuts. Yam cut into evenly sized pieces. The pot was filled with water and the rice and glutinous rice were panned and put into a pot. Put yam and red dates. Cook for 40 minutes and put in chestnuts and pots for more than 10 minutes until cooked.

Efficacy: Spleen and stomach, help digestion, strengthen gluten bones, delay aging.

6, lily jujube porridge

Practice: 30 grams of glutinous rice, 9 grams of lily, 10 dates. Lily with open blisters once, to brew some bitterness; glutinous rice washed clean, and Lily, red dates, use low heat to slow into a porridge, add the right amount of sugar can (without plus).

Efficacy: heat and soothe the nerves, nourishing the heart and blood.

7, corn longan porridge

Practice: Corn 1 kg, longan 15 grams, 50 grams of rice. Put the corn in a shell and wash it clean. The hard rice panning clean, into the aluminum pot, add corn, longan meat, add water, amount, set the fire on the fire boiling, and then slow fire cooked, add sugar, stir well Serve. Eat for breakfast and dinner.

Efficacy: make up kidney, Yi Yao Yao. Applicable to heart and kidney essence and blood deficiency, heart palpitations, insomnia, Yaoxisuanruan embolism.

8, four red blood porridge

Practice: red beans, red dates, purple rice, peanuts, walnuts, rice, millet. Red beans and purple rice are bubbling overnight in advance, if not enough time to soak at least 2 hours in advance. Add enough water to the pot and add the red beans and purple rice first. After the fire boil, turn it over for a short hour. Then put clean rice, millet, red dates, walnuts, and peanuts, then boil and simmer for 1 hour.

Efficacy: Peanuts, red beans, purple rice and red dates are all good blood products. This porridge has the effect of blood and is suitable for winter health.

9, grain health porridge

Practice: buckwheat, glutinous rice, black rice, citrus aurantium, peeled green beans, brown rice, red beans, wheat kernels each 1 tablespoon, red dates 10, longan 10, 100 grams of rice. Buckwheat, glutinous rice, black rice, citrus aurantium, peeled mung beans, brown rice, red beans, and wheat kernels were washed and soaked for two hours. Longan shelled. Dates, glutinous rice wash stand by. The raw materials mentioned above were put into a pressure cooker together with 1500 ML of water, the lid was covered with a pressure valve, and after the fire was jetted, the fire was turned off. Wait until the gas is completely leaked, then cook it until it's jetted, then turn off the heat. So, after three jets.

Efficacy: porridge aroma, nourishment, stomach warming.

What fruit to eat in December?

1, oranges

December is a fruitful month for oranges. Oranges are sweet and sour, and they are also rich in vitamin C, so they are popular with people. It is estimated that eating three oranges a day can almost satisfy the amount of vitamin C needed by a person in a day. And oranges contain more than 170 plant compounds and more than 60 flavonoids, most of which are natural antioxidants.

The orange is sweet, warm, and enters the lungs. Mainly treat chest cholestitis, vomiting, food loss, stomach yin deficiency, thirst in the mouth, hyperactivity of cough, and excessive drinking. With appetizing, thirst-quenching lung effect. However, improper use is not beneficial. According to nutrition experts, daily control of oranges within 250 grams (2 to 3) is good for the human body.

Orange temperature, eat easy to get angry, especially those who belong to yin and yang yang constitution, it is best to eat less, or there will be mouth sores, dry mouth, dry throat, constipation and other symptoms. Note that before meals or fasting do not eat, orange pulp contains a certain amount of organic acids, easy to stimulate the gastric mucosa.

2. Sugar Cane

"Autumn sugar cane race over the ginseng," sugar cane juice is sweet, nutritious, known as the fruit to share, in ancient China there are medical experts to include sugarcane as "tonic medicine", sugar cane is also known as "blood fruit" Good name. In winter, when it is dry, it is time to eat sugar cane. In December, sugar cane has matured and went on the market.

In winter fruits, sugarcane, which is quite popular among people, also contains trace elements such as iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. Among them, the highest content of iron is as high as nine milligrams per kilogram, ranking the highest in fruit. Therefore, there is the name of blood fruit. However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, sugar cane is cold and people with spleen and stomach deficiency should eat less.

Eat sugar cane in winter, it is best to cut it into small pieces of 20 cm -30 cm, put it into the pot and cook for ten minutes, pick up the hot peeling and eat, sweeter than raw. For fever sore throat, can match with carrots, plus horseshoe can heat heat consumer product, "Daily Materia Medica," said it "under the five showers", winter drinking can be described as a fire and dryness.

3, 荸荠

In November and February of each year, it is a season rich in pupa. The pipa is dark purple in color, white in flesh, sweet and succulent, crisp and delicious, and it can be used as fruit and vegetables. Since ancient times, it has been known as “Underground Sydney”. Think of it as "Jiangnan Ginseng." "Compendium of Materia Medica" said that it can "mainly thirst and heat, warm in the air, under the Danshi, eliminate wind poison. Except the real heat in the chest," wolfberry rich in nutrients, containing protein, fat, crude fiber, carotene, vitamin B, vitamins C, iron, calcium and carbohydrates, Chinese medicine believes that it can also clear away heat and fluid, relieve laxative cough, flush fire, and skin care. It is a seasonal fruit in winter.

TCM believes that cold, spleen Deficiency should not eat more. It's best not to eat raw food, because it grows in the mud, and there are more bacteria and parasites on the skin and inside. Be sure to wash it before cooking.

4. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is one of the favorite fruits of winter. Hawthorn is rich in amino acids and minerals such as sodium, potassium, and manganese. It contains vitamin C89 mg per 100 grams of fresh hawthorn pulp. It ranks third in the fruit after fresh dates and kiwifruit; vitamin B2 is in parallel with bananas. In the first place, it is 5 times higher than apple; 85 mg of calcium is second only to olives in the group fruit; its vitamin E content is also the highest in fruit.

Patients with cardio-cerebral vascular disease can eat more hawthorn in autumn and winter health, which is beneficial to prevent recurrence of disease and relieve arteriosclerosis. People with weak gastrointestinal function can eat long-term hawthorn to form stomach stones and increase the risk of developing gastric ulcers. Therefore, it is recommended that it is best to boil or slice the water to drink.

Eating hawthorn can not be greedy, not fasting, drinking or eating foods that stimulate gastric acid secretion, so as to avoid the formation of stomach stones; gargle in a timely manner to prevent harmful teeth; Chinese medicine believes that Hawthorn only eliminate consumption, spleen and stomach, after the body Deficiency and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer patients should not eat, so as not to aggravate the condition, Hawthorn has blood circulation, broken role, pregnant women need to be cautious.

What kind of vegetables do you eat in December?

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is not only nutritious, delicious, but also easy to store. It is a kind of vegetable that can be eaten for half a year. It is called the "king of dishes." Chinese medicine believes that Chinese cabbage is "Tang Lee's gastrointestinality, except in the chest trouble, digestion and under the gas", that the regular consumption of Chinese cabbage can play the role of scraping intestinal detoxification.

In winter, the air is dry, and the cold wind is very harmful to human skin. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, E, eat more cabbage, can play a very good skin care and beauty effect! Chinese cabbage can be cooked or cold, with rich cooking methods.

2, sweet potato

In winter, the most popular snack on the street is hot, fragrant roasted sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes taste sweet, rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins, and potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, calcium and other minerals.

Sweet potato has high protein quality and can make up for lack of nutrition in rice and flour. Regular consumption can increase the utilization of nutrients in the staple food. In particular, sweet potatoes are rich in lysine, which is precisely what rice and flour lack. Therefore, sweet potato and rice noodles can eat together and can play a complementary role in protein and increase its nutritional value.

3, radish

There is a saying among the Chinese people: "In winter, eating radish and summer eating ginger does not require doctors to prescribe medicine." Chinese medicine believes that the human body “yang is in the stomach, and the stomach is bothered”, and the sweet radish helps to relieve irritability and maintain the spleen and stomach. In the winter, the spleen and stomach are easily damaged, and the tonic can be started by eating radish and protecting the spleen and stomach.

Radish cooling sweet Xin Gan, into the lungs, stomach two classics, can eliminate stagnation, phlegm heat, down gas through the detoxification, for food product fullness. However, people with stomach and spleen deficiency are not suitable for eating more radish. If necessary, they can be eaten together with lamb or beef and radish, so that the two kinds of ingredients are mutually neutralizing and have a certain protective effect on the spleen and stomach.

4, winter bamboo shoots

Mentioned the winter bamboo shoots, many people will shook their heads straight: "'Eat a bamboo shoot, scrape three days of oil', it is nothing to eat." In fact, the nutritional value of bamboo shoots is very high, known as "gold white jade, vegetables in a Absolute reputation.

Winter bamboo shoots are different from bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots. They are “low-keyed” in the ground and have not yet come out of the ground. Their nutritional value is also high. Winter bamboo shoots are rich in various proteins and amino acids. With a variety of meat dishes, they are not only more delicious, but also have a clear taste for heat. In addition, it is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps digestion.

5. Yam

Yam contains a variety of trace elements, and the content is more abundant, with nourishing effect, for the rehabilitation of food after illness to share. Yam is also rich in vitamins and minerals and has a relatively low calorie content. Yam can promote the proliferation of body T lymphocytes, enhance immune function, delay cell aging. This also proves that the argument of "serving yam for longevity" is scientifically justified.

People who plan to have tonics in winter to eat some yam before tonic are more conducive to the absorption of supplements. Yam is a medicine for Buzhong Yiqi, which has the effect of replenishing the spleen and stomach. It is especially suitable for the consumption of the weak spleen and stomach before tonic.

What soup is suitable for drinking in December?

First, jujube mushrooms chicken soup

Ingredients: one black silk chicken (about a pound or so), mushrooms, black fungus, red dates, ginger, cooking wine, a little salt.


1. Wash and cut the chicken bones and place them in pots. Add salt, cooking wine, and ginger to marinate for about 15 minutes. Wash mushrooms, black fungus, and red dates to join.

2, add the appropriate amount of water, into the pot, steamed until the water is open, and then turn medium heat steam for 30-45 minutes. With chopsticks, you can easily insert the chicken and turn it off. (Be aware of the water in the steamer. Do not evaporate the water.)

Efficacy: Mushrooms Wujitang can add blood, beauty, improve immunity. Mushrooms can enhance the body's immune function and have anti-cancer effect, use mushrooms and black chicken chicken soup together, the active ingredients in mushrooms dissolved in the soup, can increase the body absorption rate; for women, Wuji Tang is tonic, raising the body The good quality.

Second, radish carp soup

Materials: squid, white radish, onion, ginger, Huadiao wine, salt.


1. After the squid is washed, drain it and wipe the surface moisture with a kitchen towel. Radish peeled and cut; onion knot; ginger slices. Hot oil in the pot, saute a few pieces of ginger, add the eel to cook, and fry the color of the fish on both sides. Add enough water (cold water or boiling water) to the pot, add onion and ginger, boil over the fire, add appropriate amount of Hua Dian wine, and continue cooking until the wine is dissipated.

2. After turning off the froth, turn to medium heat, keep a certain amount of boiling, cover and stew until the soup is white (about 30 minutes). Add radish, continue cooking for about 10 minutes, add a little salt and cook.

Efficacy: Spleen and stomach, digestion and stagnation, eyesight emollient. Carp soup has nourishing and nourishing effect, suitable for autumn and winter consumption.

Carp soup

Third, radish mutton soup

Material: 750 grams of white radish, parsley salt, chicken, cooking wine, onion, ginger, pepper.


1, Wash the lamb meat, cut into thick silk, white radish washed and cut into silk.

2. Put the pan into the base oil and pour it into the base oil. Put the ginger into the boiled water. Add the salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, and pepper seasoning. After the water is boiled, put the lamb into the boiled water and add the white radish. , turn the simmer until the radish is broken, sprinkle with onion and parsley leaves to pan.

Efficacy: Radish can eliminate stagnation, phlegm and heat, under the gas wide, detoxification. Radish mutton soup, warming up the spleen and stomach, spleen digestion effect.

Fourth, jujube milk pigeon soup

Materials: 2 pigeons, 1 onion, 10 jujubes, 3 gingers, 20 braises, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sesame oil.


1. The pigeons should be cleaned and rinsed with fresh water, boil a pot of water, scald and clean the pigeons, put the processed pigeons into the pot, put the chopped scallions, ginger, and add half a pot of water. Fire, red dates and oysters were soaked in water first.

2. Wait until the water in the pot boils, use the big spoon to make the froth in the pot, put the jujube into the minimum fire slowly stew for 2 hours; after 2 hours, the pigeons are basically stewed, put the brewed wolfberry into the In the pot, add 1 tsp of salt and a few drops of sesame oil and stew for 15 minutes.

Efficacy: pigeons have liver and kidney, Qi and blood, detoxification, thirst and other effects. Add jujube and wolfberry soup, nourishing better.

V. Tomato beef soup

Ingredients: beef, onions, potatoes, tomatoes (tomato), light blue, ginger, rosemary, ketchup, butter, water.


1. Cut the beef into suitable pieces and put it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Scoop up and wash the bloody water. Spare wash, apply proper amount of butter, add onion diced, peeled and diced potatoes, a little Dried rosemary, stir-fried scent.

2. Pour into pieces of tomato, scallion, ginger and stir until the tomato is soft and overflows the red soup; add a big spoonful of tomato sauce, a piece of fresh rosemary, add the appropriate amount of fresh water, and boil. Transfer all the ingredients in the pot to the slow-simmering pot, simmer until the beef is soft, the soup thick, and add a little salt to taste.

Efficacy: Beef has the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening bones and muscles, resolving phlegm and wind, and stopping thirst. Tomato thirst, stomach digestion, cooling blood Pinggan, detoxification, lower blood pressure effect.

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