Using non-food feeds to feed pigs

The development and use of non-food feeds by aquaculture is an effective way to reduce food consumption and increase the efficiency of aquaculture. Peanut vines, shell peanut vines, leaves, shells contain more protein, and can be mixed with other raw materials to prepare feed for pigs after crushing. Radish, sweet potato root leaf vine, cabbage wolfberry, big greens, and peels can be fed to pigs.

The development and use of non-food feeds by aquaculture is an effective way to reduce food consumption and increase the efficiency of aquaculture.

Grass seed pods, pine nuts, clover, sword silkworm grass and so on. The seeds of the grains are soft, fragrant, delicious and nutritious. They can be cut 3 to 4 times a year and produce 14 to 20 tons per mu. At the early stage of flowering, the plants were harvested and dried. The leaves contained 28% of crude protein, and the stems contained 15% of crude protein. All of them were fed with fresh stems and leaves and were fed with pigs. The daily weight gain was 0.4 kg. If you mix a small amount of concentrate, your daily gain can reach 0.7 kg.

Aquatic organisms can be fed to aquatic crops such as water peanuts, water hyacinths, and weeds. Peanuts can be fed both green and cellar. Rhizoma roxburghii contains 8.7% crude protein, 13 kinds of amino acids and 8 kinds of mineral elements, and it is processed into powder and feed.

Peanut vines, shell peanut vines, leaves, shells contain more protein, and can be mixed with other raw materials to prepare feed for pigs after crushing.

Soybean leaves have a low sugar content and are rich in protein. It can be collected as feed as soon as possible without affecting the yield and quality of soybeans. The collected fresh leaves can be removed with foreign matter, chopped freshly fed, crushed, or used as semi-dry silage. The amount of feed accounts for 20 to 40% of the diet, which does not hinder the growth and development.

The corn cob contains many nutrients and its content is much higher than corn stalks. The corn cob can be crushed into corncob powder, which can replace 20% of the feed to the pig.

The leaves of the leaves, loquat leaves, Paulownia leaves, pine leaves, orange leaves and cassava leaves can be fed to pigs.

Edible mushroom cultivation material Cultured mushrooms contain 8% of protein, 1% of crude fat, and 1% of crude fiber. The coarse soil and mildewed material are detoxified, and a large amount of hyphae and mushroom-rich culture materials are selected to be dried and crushed, 40% rice bran is added, and the appropriate amount of water is added. The tank is fermented for 1 to 2 days until the wine taste is fed and not Affect meat quality.

Distiller's grains can be freshly fed or made into dry feeds with a protein content of 27% and nutritional value comparable to that of soybeans. When feeding, it is necessary to incorporate an appropriate proportion of energy feeds, minerals, etc.

Chicken manure Collect 350 to 400 chickens for 1 day to excrete feces, add 2.5 kg each of wheat bran, sugar and distiller's yeast, and adjust them into wet and dry state with water. Hand-knead into groups, loosen and disperse energy, and insert them into cylinders or plastic bags. Yellow-green, odor-free and then add 25 kg of feed grain, 15 kg of green feed for 30-40 pigs a day. Using chicken manure as feed can save 30-40% of feed grain and reduce costs by 20-30%.

Fruit melon, vegetables pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon and other melons. After the watermelon rind is chopped and fed to the pigs, the daily feeding amount is 30%, which can not only evaporate the virus but also enhance the growth of the pigs. In addition, radish, sweet potato root leaf vine, cabbage wolfberry, big greens and peels can be fed to pigs.

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