Method for storing pasture seeds in winter

Before the arrival of the cold weather in mid-to late October, the moisture content must be reduced to the safe amount required by the seeds, that is, below 14%. If the water content is too high, the seeds will be subjected to freezing injury and some or all of them will lose their ability to germinate.

Putting the quality of good storage seeds in the pasture seeds, if they contain more immature or broken seeds, and other large amounts of dust, will have adverse consequences for the safe storage of seeds. Therefore, we must pay attention to maintaining the purity and cleanliness of seeds during storage.

Keep the moisture-proof ventilation of the good type of plant closed to prevent rain, snow, and dampness. Sack or other containers filled with seeds should be separated from the ground by more than 50 cm with wooden or brick mats. Indoors should be kept dry and well ventilated. At the same time, artificial ventilation is often required so that the seeds are often in a dry state.

Put the seeds of good forage grass off. Do not use plastic bags for grass seeds. Because the plastic bags are impermeable to air, the exhaled carbon dioxide of the seeds cannot be discharged, and the seeds can easily cause carbon dioxide poisoning. In addition, the water produced by the seed itself and the heat generated by the respiration do not spread out, and it is easy to cause fever and mildew in the seeds. Do not use chemical fertilizers in bags. Use well-packed paper bags or sacks to hold grass seeds.

Keep the storage of good forage seeds. Keep away from pasture seeds, pesticides, and nitrogen fertilizers. Because some pesticides have a toxic effect on seeds, not only affect the germination rate of seeds, but also can cause physiological changes in pasture seeds, after planting may appear abnormal. Ammonia vaporized from nitrogen fertilizers has a strong corrosive effect. Focus on three aspects: First, check whether the seeds are damp. The second is to check if the seeds are bitten by insects and rats. The third is to regularly check the seed germination rate and germination potential.

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Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd ,

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