Fresh corn cultivation

Fresh corn in the selection of varieties to sweet corn and high lysine corn is better, its taste and nutritional value are better than ordinary corn. In field management, attention should be paid to the implementation of the following measures. 1. Wrong time seeding, listing in batches, focusing on catching vegetables in off-season production in spring should be so sooner rather than later, mulching or greenhouse seedlings transplanting technology, mentioning morning market; autumn should be appropriate late planting, about mid-October listed, balanced market demand. 2. Isolate planting to prevent strings of high lysine corn and sweet corn quality traits from being controlled by recessive genes. When hybridized with normal corn or when these two types of corn are crossed with each other, they lose their high lysine or The characteristics of sweetness. Therefore, we must implement isolation in the production of planting: time isolation, sowing time more than 30 days apart; space isolation to more than 400 meters is appropriate. 3, planting density to a reasonable and reasonable planting density is to achieve 667 square meters of panicles and 667 square meters of the key to the unity of the benefits, the planting density is too large, the ear is small, easy to form small panicles, high quality goods rate decreased. The planting density is too small, the output spikes are small, and the efficiency is also low. Therefore, according to the physiological characteristics of the selected varieties when planting fresh corn, a reasonable planting density is adopted. 4. The nutritional quality of reasonable fertilization corn kernels is not only controlled by genetics, but also influenced by the nutritional conditions of the plants to a considerable extent. Through reasonable fertilization in production, the nutritional status of corn is adjusted so that the nutritional quality of corn is significantly increased, and high quality and efficiency are achieved while achieving high yields. (1) Increased organic fertilization, enhanced soil fertility, improved soil fertility, more organic fertilizer, stable plant growth, and good grain quality. (2) Potassium supplementation and potassium supplementation test results show that nitrogen fertilizer can significantly increase maize yield, but too much nitrogen fertilizer can reduce the lysine and sugar content in grains, while phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are conducive to the increase of lysine and sugar. The increase of P and K fertilizers reduced the starch content, increased the nutritional value of the ear, improved the processing quality and palatability of the grain, and increased the value of the commodity. Potassium fertilizer can significantly increase the content of sugar in grains, but over-application of potassium can inhibit the formation of lysine in corn grains. Under normal fertility conditions, it is advisable to apply 15 kg of potassium sulfate per 667 square meters. According to different soil fertility levels and fertility characteristics of different cultivars, fertilization under the conditions of high nitrogen fertilization, combined with the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers, can achieve high yields while achieving better economic benefits. 5. Actively prevent and treat pests and diseases before sowing and planting for 2-3 days, and seed dressing with pesticides to prevent pests and various seedling diseases such as tigers, earthworms, etc. Throughout the growing period, it is advisable to use pesticides with short efficacy and no residue to prevent and control various pests and diseases, and strictly prohibit the use of drugs during harvesting.

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