Increase Apple Technology

Apple fruit is an important criterion for judging fruit quality. Generally, the standard for superior grade fruit is: the marshals should have a diameter of more than 75 mm, Fuji, Qin Guan, and Jonah should have a diameter of 80 mm or more, while the mid-size fruits such as Dora and Guoguang should also be above 70 mm. How to promote fruit to achieve these indicators is a key technology for producing high-quality apples. 1. Factors related to the fruit The size of a variety of fruit depends mainly on its heredity, followed by the natural environment and management. Within the same variety, the size of the fruit is determined by the number of cells and the volume of the cells. Apples form from the ovary until 4-5 weeks after flowering. At the time of flowering, there are about 2 million cells in the flesh, which need to be divided by 21 times. The number of pulp cells is about 40 million when harvested, and it takes 4-5 times of cell division after flowering. Fruit cell number, volume and nutritional level, environmental conditions are closely related. 2. Technology to increase fruit size 2.1 Strengthen tree nutrient science Soil fertilizer and water management is a fundamental measure to increase tree vigor and increase fruit size. Every autumn, with the deepening of deep holes, a large number of organic fertilizers are added, and the amount is increased with the increase of tree age and canopy, so that the content of soil organic matter in the root distribution layer exceeds 1%, preferably 2%-3%. Specifically, it is necessary to apply 1.50-2 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer for each kilogram of fruit produced. In top dressing, the application of phosphorus, potassium or compound fertilizer from young fruit to fruit enlargement may increase the fruit weight by 5%-10%. After the leaf is spread to the harvest, it is sprayed once every 20-25 days. Fertilizer, photosynthetic fertilizer, etc., spray 3-5 times a year, can increase fruit weight 6% -12%. At the same time, the water supply in the orchard should be balanced. In 40 days after flowering, the relative water content of the orchard soil should be stabilized at 60% to 80%. The orchard without irrigation conditions advocates the combination of orchard grass-mulching and water-saving irrigation to maintain the soil moisture content. However, in the rainy season, attention should be paid to the drainage of orchards to prevent the excessive moisture content of the soil from causing the roots to breathe and affect the tree vigor. 2.2 When strict climatic conditions during fruit flowering are good, the method of “setting flowers with fruits” can be used to leave single flowers, and only central flowers and center fruits can be used. In case of poor flowering conditions, the flower heads can be left at a certain distance (New Red Star) Spacing 20-25 cm, Red Fuji 25-30 cm), leaving the center flower and 1 side flower for each inflorescence. When the fruit is to be thinned, leave the fruit again, so that the ratio of fruit to fruit reaches 5-8:1. Center fruit, lateral fruit, drooping fruit, straight fruit, large fruit, healthy fruit. In the determination of the eradication period, the earlier the sparse, the earlier the fruit thinning, the bigger the fruit, the higher the grade. According to the author's investigation in the same Fuji orchard in Yongshou County, the fruit was fixed on May 20th and the average fruit weight was 290.50 g when harvested; the fruit was fixed on May 31 and set on June 15; the average fruit weight at the time of harvest was 273.10 grams and 257.80 grams, the difference is more obvious. 2.3 Appropriate late mining in accordance with the post-harvest use, under the premise of accurately determining the maturity of the fruit, can be appropriate late harvest, not only has a certain effect on the increase of single fruit weight, but also very beneficial to the late fruit coloring. According to relevant information, the average fruit weight of Red Fuji harvested on October 8th and October 25th is about a difference of 20 grams, an average of 1 gram per day. However, fruit harvesting after ripening has a greater impact on fruit quality. 2.4 When pruning winter cuts, the amount of pruning should be avoided lightly or excessively heavy, and the tree vigor should be kept in a moderation state to eliminate invalid branches and adjust the ratio of flowers and leaves and shoots so that it can reach approximately 1:3. Note that the senescence fruit branches and branch groups were renewed so that most of the fruit branch ages were in the 2-5 year old stage. The thick fruit branches with small branches were large and fruity. According to the survey, the 7-8-year-old Fuji fruits accounted for 12.50% of the small fruit rate, which was higher than 4 -6-year-old fruit 2-3 times higher; fruiting rate is 65.80% on thick fruit branches; thin fruit on thin branches is only 21.40%, many young and long trees are cut, and there is a lack of light in the interior, and the flower buds are thin and small fruit. To fall in time to be happy, to ease the auxiliary support, to control the upright branches, to eliminate dense branches, so that there are 8-10 branches per meter of fruiting sticks, to achieve a large tree branches.

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