Corn seed drying technology

The high moisture content of seeds and the cold climate are the main reasons for the freezing damage and germination rate of corn seeds in the northern regions. In winter 2002, this problem was particularly prominent. To this end, adapting to local conditions and adopting proper seed drying techniques have important implications for ensuring the quality of seeds, ensuring the efficiency of seed production enterprises, and increasing the income of seed farmers. After years of practice, the drying techniques for maize seeds are summarized as follows: 1 The period of stalk crusts for field stand stalk tanned drying stands is in mid-September in Liaoning Province. When the mother's ear is in the wax ripening stage, the loquat leaves are peeled from top to bottom from the top of the ear and must be peeled off in the end and cannot be left on the seeds. In order to prevent the recovery of the temporal lobe and the accumulation of water at the base of the ear, it is best to use a hemp rope or a leather sheath to bind and fix the temporal lobe so that the fruit is completely exposed. 2 While drying the field sorghum while harvesting the ear, leave 2 rows for each 4--6 female line, cut off the corn stalk, leave the pod at a height of about 50cm, and then strip off the outer leaves of the ear and leave it inside. 3 - 4 slices of loquat leaves, each bundled with 6 - 8 pieces of fruit, hung on the gills, and carried with the gills, 2 - 3d. 3 The yard was hung and hung in the farmer's home. The wooden sticks, iron wires and other materials were used to form a shelf. The height was about 150cm. Then the fruit was spiked with 8-10 bundles and placed on the shelf. 2-D rotation 1 Times. 4 The roof, drying field drying will go to clean the leaves, filaments of the ears tiled on the roof or drying field, for drying, require the ear to even out, should not be too thick, flip 1 - 2 times a day. 5 Net bag drying will clean the leaves of the loquat leaves and filaments into neat bags, and then evenly placed on a well-ventilated wall, wooden frame or roof, 2 - 3d flip 1 direction. Bagging ear should not be too much, too real, so as not to affect the drying effect. 6 In case of fire and drying, in case of special years, if the seed moisture content is high, reaching about 20%, emergency measures such as fire pods, indoor storage, or timely threshing, drying, etc. shall be taken to ensure safe precipitation of seeds. 7 Cautions Regardless of the drying method used in the field station stalk stalks and sorghum drying, regardless of the type of drying method used, attention must be paid to the dryness of the drying area, the ventilation to the sun, and the provision of rain-proof facilities. Do not store, bag or pile the fruit in the ear for long periods of time.


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