Biological characteristics of freshwater cultured fish

1. The squid is also called white quail. The body is flat and its head is about a quarter of its length. Upper-middle fish, lively, good jump. The staple food Plankton, the commodity feed can also be swallowed. Carp is generally mature in three winters, and the female weighs about 10 pounds.
2. The squid is also known as the calyx, puffball fish. Body size is similar to that of a baboon, but the length of the head is about one third of the body length. The pelagic fish are gentle, do not jump, and are easy to catch. The staple food plankton, which also feeds on artificial diets, grows slightly faster than carp. Body length grows fastest in 1-3 years, begins to decline in fourth instars, gains weight two to seven years in the fast, and increases in weight in the third instar. General second-instar fish can grow to 0.5-1 kg and third-instar fish can grow to 1-2 kg.
3. Grass carp is long and cylindrical. Hi living in the middle and lower levels and inshore aquatic areas, lively sex, swimming fast. At the fry stage, plankton is the main food. Grass carp is generally mature in four ages, the earliest third instar. Mature individuals of females are all over 10 pounds, and grass carp grows fast. Under the conditions of pond rearing, generally the first-year-old fish can reach 0.75-1.0 kg, the second-instar can reach 1.5-3.0 kg, and the third-instar can reach 3.5-5.0 kg. The disadvantage of grass carp is that it is easy to get sick.
4. Herring also known as blackfish. It resembles grass carp and its head is sharper than grass carp. Herring is the bottom fish and is a meat-eating fish. It is mainly composed of snails in molluscs. Herring grows faster, and the first-year fish can reach 0.4-0.5 kg; the second-instar fish can reach 105-2.5 kg; the third-instar fish can reach 3-4 kg or more.
5. The carp is long and flat, with a round abdomen and two pairs of short whiskers. Most of the squid are found in the soft bottom or bottom layer of aquatic plants. They are omnivorous fishes. The fish are mainly plankton, and the adult fish mainly eat benthic animals. Carp 2 can be mature, generally mature fish body length of 30 cm or more. The carp grows faster, the body length is the fastest in one and two, and the body weight grows fastest in the fourth and fifth incarnations.
6. The size of the squid is similar to that of the squid. Its head is small and its body is tall and does not need to be. Is a low-lying fish, adaptable. Carp is omnivorous fish, staple food plant foods. Fish fry plankton and benthic animals. Carp is generally mature in two winters and is a small and medium sized fish. Slower growth, generally less than half a catty, up to about 2.5 pounds.
7. The head fish, also known as Wuchang fish, is flat on the side of the body and has a high body and a diamond shape. Carp likes to live in the middle-lower waters is a herbivorous fish, staple food plants and a small amount of zooplankton, the head lice grow faster, the mature age of 2-3 years of age.
8. Tilapia is native to Africa and is also called African salmon. The body is short, tall, thick, and slightly flat. The body resembles anchovies. Nile tilapia has large individuals, fast growth, high yield, high meat content and good meat taste. It is hi-temperature, living and growing water temperature range of 16-40?
C. Tilapia is an omnivorous fish that grows faster. The maximum number of individuals for three months is about 250 grams, and the second year is about 1,500 grams.

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