Invigorating Vitamins Poisoning

Many people eat various health supplements daily to supplement their vitamins. Experts pointed out that vitamin supplements should be properly handled and the amount should be moderate. If indiscriminately fat-soluble vitamins may be poisoned.

Vitamin supplements should be compound type

The lack of vitamins in the human body can cause the corresponding vitamin deficiency and impair health. Vitamins make up only a very small proportion of natural foods, but they are also essential for the body. However, most vitamin organisms cannot be synthesized or have insufficient synthetic amounts and must often be obtained through food. However, it is difficult to eat enough vitamins through the diet every day, because the food is easy to lose vitamins during processing, storage, and cooking. If the vegetables are overly immersed, they will lose a lot of water-soluble vitamins; if the foods are left for a long time, they may lose vitamins. Therefore, it is best for adults to supplement a certain amount of multivitamins on the basis of a reasonable diet.
Fat-soluble vitamins need to be used with caution

People's demand for vitamins is very small, normal people need vitamin C50-100 mg daily, vitamin A2500-3000 international units, vitamin D300-400 international units. Therefore, vitamins are essential for the body, but excessive daily supplements are also wasteful. Some vitamin supplements are overly toxic. Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B, C, etc., can be excreted with urine after administration and have less toxicity. If fat-soluble vitamins (including vitamins A, E, K, D) are supplemented excessively, they can easily cause poisoning reactions. The abuse of vitamin E can cause high blood pressure and breast tumors. Large doses of vitamin C can cause urinary stones. Oral administration of large amounts of Vitamin C destroys vitamin B12 stored in serum and in vivo. Therefore, fat-soluble vitamins must be supplemented according to the national regulations.
After serving the best vitamin absorption

Vitamins should be taken after meals. Experts pointed out that folic acid, vitamin B, C and other water-soluble vitamins are taken fasting before meals and are quickly absorbed into the small intestine through the stomach. The concentration in the blood rises rapidly. The result has not yet been fully utilized by the body. Urine is excreted. In addition, vitamin A, D, E, K and other fat-soluble vitamins must be dissolved in fat foods to be absorbed, if taken on an empty stomach, most of the fat-soluble vitamins can not be dissolved, resulting in most of the vitamins can not be absorbed.


Vitamin dietary taboos

1, when taking vitamin C do not eat animal liver, or vitamin C will quickly oxidize and lose biological function.

2, when drinking vitamin A avoid drinking, otherwise it will seriously affect the visual cycle and male sperm production.

3, when taking vitamin AD avoid drinking porridge soup, otherwise it will make vitamin loss.

4, do not eat vitamin B1 fish and turtles, otherwise it will destroy vitamin B1.

5, when taking vitamin B2 not eat high-fat foods and high-fiber foods, otherwise it will reduce the absorption rate of vitamin B2; high-fat diet will increase the lack of vitamin B2.

6, when taking vitamin B6 do not eat foods containing boron, otherwise it will affect the absorption and utilization of vitamin B6, boron-rich foods are pumpkin, carrots, eggplant and so on.

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