How to make potted primroses bloom continuously

In order to maintain good primroses and flowering, it is important to note:
1 minute planting and transplanting. When planting seedlings grow 2 to 3 true leaves, they are first planted in small pots, cultivated for about 1 month, and then transplanted to the middle pots.
2 fertilize and water. During the growth period, the pot-land should be kept moist, and it should not be too dry or too wet. At the same time, top-dressing nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10 days. During the bud stage, liquid fertilizer mainly composed of phosphate fertilizer should be applied 2 or 3 times. In the flowering period, fertilization should be reduced and fertilizer should be stopped after flowering. Watering should be stopped before fertilization, so that the pot soil is a bit dry to facilitate the absorption of fertilizer. Pay attention to the fertilizer when water is applied, do not contaminate the leaves, and spray water 1 times after fertilization.
3 temperature and light. Primroses are warm and slightly cold. The suitable growth temperature is about 15°C. If winter temperature is kept at 10°C, it will bloom from February of next year. Should pay attention to ventilation, can over the winter above 0 °C; summer temperature can not exceed 30 °C, afraid of direct light, it is necessary to take shade cooling measures.
4 Cut off the spent flowers in time. When flowering, in order to extend the viewing period, temperature and light should not be too high. After giving thanks, if you want to keep flowering, you need to cut off the flowers and stems in time and chase the fertilizer to promote growth and flowering.

White Peony Tea belongs to White Tea,one of the six tea categories in China, which is famous for its silvery green leaves with silvery white heart, which looks like flowers. The shape of white peony has a fat shape, its leaves are plump and tender, and its leaves are grey-green. Fresh and tender after brewing; Taste mellow and slightly sweet; Soup color apricot yellow bright or orange yellow clear; The leaf base is tender and well-balanced, and the pulse is reddish. It has the effect of nourishing lung and clearing heat, and is often used medicinally.

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White Peony Tea

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