Can hybrid cotton be preserved?

At present, it is during the cotton picking period that many farmers are very concerned about cotton seeding. Yingxiao Li Xiaochun, Huangtan Town, Huangcheng Town, Yingcheng City. Q: Can hybrid cotton continue to be used as seed in the next year? We know that cotton is a very often out-of-breed crop, and the outcrossing rate in the field is between 7-9%. The conventionally-produced high-yield varieties, disease-resistant varieties or insect-resistant varieties can be de-hybridized or degraded at the original cotton production or breeding base, and the original species and the original species can be selected for planting. In general, farmers should choose the original species to plant. If the original species is selected for the second generation, the standard strains must be selected in the field to be marked and flowers must be collected separately for seed use, but the seed purity must not be lower than 96%. Can hybrid cotton be preserved? With the exception of a few hybrid cotton varieties that are less severely segregated, they are generally not recommended for the remaining hybrids. For example, in the 29th and 2nd generations of hybrid cotton and cotton plants, 20% of the isolates are not resistant to the bollworm, and the insect resistance must be maintained after removing the pale-colored, non-resistant cotton seedlings at the cotyledon stage of the cotton seedlings. . Another example is hybrid cotton No. 1 or standard hybrid a1, which has about 40% of its hybrids. The plant type, leaf shape, bell shape, and insect resistance have large differences, and the yield is greater. The impact is completely inappropriate. Therefore, it is recommended that farmers' friends go to the agricultural seed management department to replace high-quality cotton seed varieties. Only in this way can product quality be guaranteed. (Yu Hongzhang, Senior Agronomist, Agriculture Bureau, Xiaogan City)

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