What foods cannot pregnant women eat?

Many expectant mothers, who are often pregnant, know that they are pregnant. They immediately enter the “defense” state of the entire journey, stagnation of all physical exercise, meticulous care, and nourishment – ​​waiting for the birth of the baby. The expert of obstetrics and gynaecology and obstetrics and gynecology hospitals said: "Because pregnant women insist on nutrient balance, the diet does not need to be supplemented too much, and there are still some taboos." 1, spinach Speaking of eating less spinach, pregnant women may be a little surprised. Spinach is rich in iron and can be used to boost blood. It is also rich in vitamins and other nutrients. It should be eaten more. Why should we eat less? Research shows that spinach contains a large amount of oxalic acid, although it contains iron but not much. Oxalic acid is the natural enemy of calcium and zinc. It affects the absorption of calcium and zinc in the intestine. As everyone knows, calcium and zinc are indispensable minerals of the human body. If it is destroyed by oxalic acid, it will lead to calcium deficiency and zinc deficiency in pregnant women. Moreover, calcium deficiency can affect the development of the fetus's bones and teeth during pregnancy. Zinc deficiency can cause pregnant women to lose appetite and can not provide rich nutrients for the fetus, thus affecting the normal growth and development of the fetus. 2. Hawthorn Hawthorn sweet and delicious, appetizers to help digestion, has always been a small food favored by many women, especially in early pregnancy, many women prefer to carry some, so during this period will eat a lot of hawthorn. Medical experts point out that although hawthorn is good but it is not suitable to eat more, some of the ingredients contained in it will stimulate the excitement of the uterus muscles, which will cause the uterus to contract and lead to miscarriage. Especially pregnant women who have experienced spontaneous abortions, habitual abortions, and threatened abortions during this period will have to eat fewer hawthorns to prevent accidents. 3, pickled cabbage Although people are saying: Nitrite in the pickled product has a carcinogenic effect. Can be sour cabbage, sour radish or with its special flavor has become a lot of women love the "foodies." However, this kind of food should not be eaten more, but can only adjust the taste. Not to mention that the nutrition of sauerkraut food is almost completely destroyed during the salting process, and has lost the nutritional value of vegetables. What's more serious is that the carcinogen nitrite contained in it not only causes cancer to the body, but also It also affects the normal growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy should not eat too much sauerkraut foods. 4, cold food Many pregnant women do not pay attention to diet, eat cold food, drink cold drinks, but do not know that this is harmful to their own health and fetal baby development. Medical experts point out that excessive intake of cold food can injure the spleen and stomach and affect the absorption of nutrients, and can not guarantee the nutritional needs of itself and the fetus. Moreover, too much cold stimulation can also reduce the resistance of the oral cavity, throat, trachea and other parts, and induce upper respiratory tract infections. In addition, cold food stimuli can cause restlessness in the fetus, so if you want to become pregnant, you must keep your diet cold. 5, strong tea Many women have been accustomed to drinking tea since childhood. But if you want to get pregnant, you can't drink tea as you like, especially strong tea. Because tea contains 2% -5% caffeine, will stimulate the fetus to over-activity, and even endanger the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, drinking too much tea can make the tannic acid contained in it combine with the iron in the food, promote iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, and cause the fetus to suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, if you want to become pregnant, you should not drink too much tea. Even if you drink it in moderation, it is better to use it after meals to reduce the damage to iron absorption. 6, fritters The fritters are delicious and are the breakfast food that people often put on the table. However, once pregnant, you should eat less. Medical studies have shown that you need to add a certain amount of alum when making the fritters. In general, eating 2 fritters will allow you to ingest about 3 grams of alum. You know, alum contains aluminum, and high concentrations of aluminum have a great detrimental effect on the human brain. If you often eat fritters, alum will accumulate in the body, as long as the body will accumulate high concentrations of aluminum. When aluminum enters the fetus through the placenta, it can cause damage to the brain development of the fetus and increase the incidence of mental retardation. 7, Crab Crabs are delicious and nutritious. They are the foods that many pregnant women like to choose. However, eating crabs poses a risk to pregnant women in early pregnancy. Crabs tend to contract uterine muscles, cause vaginal bleeding, and even cause miscarriage. The abortion of crab claws is even more pronounced. Moreover, the content of cholesterol in crabs is high, and pregnant women with gestational hypertension syndrome should not eat more. Otherwise it will aggravate the damage to the blood vessels and cause cardiovascular disease in the future. 8, convenience food Convenient foods are easy to eat and have a good taste. Even pregnant women still like to eat. Medical experts point out that women who want to become pregnant should not eat more convenience foods. The fat content of these foods is very small. Frequent use of these foods as staple foods will make pregnant women lack essential fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for fetal brain development. Moreover, the formation of a good placenta and abundant blood vessels in early pregnancy also require fatty acids, so as to ensure the nutritional needs of the fetus.

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