Eating a walnut before going to bed can help you sleep well

Do you often have the distress of going to bed at night? A recent study in the United States states that eating a walnut can help you sleep well.

According to the British "Daily Mail" recently reported that insomnia has become one of the most serious health challenges in today's society. A new study by the College of Health Science Center at Texas State University shows that walnuts contain quite a lot of melatonin and can help you fall asleep. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the body's sleep rhythm. During the day, the human brain secretes a small amount of this substance, and at night it secretes more. The increase of melatonin at night is an important guarantee for good sleep. With age, many people lose their ability to secrete melatonin at night, which often severely disrupts normal sleep patterns.

It should be noted that walnuts contain more fat, if you eat too much before going to bed, it will affect sleep. It is best to eat only a handful of walnuts, or a bowl of paste made with walnut powder and black sesame powder.

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