Qiuyan watermelon science management new essentials

1. Temperature and fertilizer. After planting, the sun should be properly shaded before the growth, and then the sunshade will be gradually removed. Control fertilizer and water in the early stage, pay attention to drainage after rain, generally do not to ---MORE---

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Management points of gourd

Fertilizer and water management: The growth potential of gourd is weaker than other melons, the growth period is short, and the results are gathered. In addition to the application of sufficient base fertilizer, multiple topdressing is required in the earl ---MORE---

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Precautions after pear harvest

1. Do not apply high-concentration fertilizers within 15-20 days after picking the pears. Within 15-20 days after harvesting is the recovery period of tree vitality. When the vitality of the tree body is not restored, the application of high-concentration ---MORE---

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How to topdress lotus root

The nutrients needed by lotus roots in the growth and development process come from the photosynthesis of lotus leaves on the one hand; on the other hand, they come from the soil, and the original fertilizer in the soil is limited (including base fertilize ---MORE---

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The wheat seedlings just came out yellow! Don't wor…

At present, many plots of wheat have been produced, but some plots of wheat seedlings are found to be yellow, thin and weak. What causes it and how to prevent it. Causes of yellowing of wheat seedlings There are many reasons for the yellowing of wheat shoo ---MORE---

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The man who eats ginger is the most helpful

Ginger is the product of yang boosting. Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has been known as "man can not be a hundred days without ginger" language. Modern clinical pharmacology studies have found that ginger has the functions of accelerating human metabolism, anti-inflammation and a ---MORE---

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How to prevent potato premature aging

Potato premature aging refers to a series of "false ripening" phenomena that appear to be deciduous and dead before the harvesting season, which appears to be mature, but actually does not reach natural physiological maturity. The occurrence of p ---MORE---

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