4 dietary mistakes that surprised women

Misunderstanding 1: Fruits and vegetables are not beneficial to iron

Many people do not know that eating more vegetables and fruits is also good for iron supplementation. This is because vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, citric acid, and malic acid, and such organic acids can form complexes with iron, thereby increasing the solubility of iron in the intestine and facilitating the absorption of iron.

Myth 2: Meat damages health

Many girls are always talking about meat because of fear of fat. They often only pay attention to the health effects of vegetable foods such as fruits and vegetables, resulting in too little intake of animal foods rich in iron. In fact, animal foods are rich in iron, and their absorption rate is as high as 25%. The iron content in plant foods is affected by the phytate and oxalate contained in the food. The absorption rate is very low, about 3%. Therefore, not eating meat can easily cause iron deficiency anemia.

Myth 3: Eat eggs and drink enough milk nutrition

The iron content of milk is very low, and the absorption rate is only 10%. Certain proteins in eggs also inhibit the absorption of iron. For example, infants and young children fed with milk, if neglected to add complementary foods, often cause iron deficiency anemia, that is, "milk anemia." Therefore, although milk eggs are rich in nutrients, it is not enough to rely on them to supplement iron.

Myth 4: Drinking coffee and tea

For women, overdrinking coffee and tea may lead to iron deficiency anemia. This is because tannic acid in tea and polyphenols in coffee can form insoluble salts with iron and inhibit the absorption of iron. Therefore, women should have enough coffee and tea to drink. One to two cups a day is enough.

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