Anti-aging nutritional options

Aging is a one-way street that cannot be reversed, but you can choose to slow down and extend the time to reach the end.

To delay aging, a scientific diet is very important. The principle of anti-aging diet is to reduce the intake of foods that produce free radicals and ingest more foods containing antioxidants.

1, nutrition should be balanced, adhere to diet "rounded up."

Four: fat, cholesterol, salt and wine.

Five entries: fiber diet (whole cereals, vegetables and fruits); vegetable protein (soy protein); foods rich in carotene, vitamins C, E; foods containing calcium (milk); 6 to 8 cups of water per day .

2. Ingest more fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants.

Foods rich in vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, lycopene, and polyphenols (such as grapes, red wine, and tea) have antioxidant effects that protect collagen from free radical damage. The antioxidant substances in various fruits and vegetables are also the most abundant.

remind you:
(1) Fresh vegetables and 2 different fruits in 3 different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, purple, etc.) are eaten as much as possible every day. The more diverse the colors, the more different types of antioxidants are eaten.
(2) Vegetables rich in vitamin C include broccoli, tomato, radish, cabbage, green pepper, etc. Fruits include oranges, persimmons, guava, kiwi fruit, strawberries, lemons, fresh dates, and hawthorn.
(3) Foods rich in vitamin E include walnuts, cashews, sesame and other nut foods.
(4) Drink 1 to 2 cups of tea a day. Tea (especially green tea) is rich in antioxidants.

3. Avoid high-fat and fried foods.

High-calorie, high-fat, especially fried foods are prone to free radicals and accelerate aging. If you can reduce the consumption of this type of food, it means to reduce the chance of the body being damaged by free radicals, as well as skin dark spots, wrinkles, cancer, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, osteoporosis and other diseases risk.

recommend you:
(1) Do not eat Western-style fast food.
(2) The diet is mainly light, and cooking is mostly steamed or boiled.
(3) Calorie intake is 10% less than when 30 years old.

4, eat more foods rich in cellulose.

Cellulose can strengthen the body's detoxification function, but also strengthen the intestinal motility, free from constipation. Foods containing high-fiber vegetables, brown rice, corn, oats, whole wheat flour, mung beans, edamame, black beans, almonds, sesame, and raisins are all good helpers for anti-aging.

5, eat some foods rich in gelatin.

Such as pigskin, pig's feet, chicken feet, sea cucumbers and other foods, help maintain skin elasticity.

6, the traditional emphasis on food supplement, some foods and foods are also important anti-aging helper.

Bee milk, pollen, wolfberry, and red dates can nourish the skin and achieve cosmetic effects; Hawthorn, Polygonatum, and Mulberry can prevent fat accumulation and arteriosclerosis; Walnut, Shouwu and Black beans can prevent white hair; Flammulina velutipes, black fungus, and mushrooms can soften Blood vessels prevent cancer.

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