American ginseng harvesting and processing methods

Choose the planting area and intensive cultivation. Set up an arbour, adjust the transparency according to different ages and seasons. Reasonably top-dressing, timely irrigation. Remove flower buds and strengthen pest control. 1. Harvested American ginseng can generally be harvested 4 years after planting. It is suitable for harvesting when the plants are withered from September to October. At this time, the content of active ingredients is high, the roots of the roots are full, the quality is firm, and the dry rate of processing is high. 2. Processing method The American ginseng fresh roots that were collected were washed on the day and dried slightly. They were first dried in a drying chamber at a temperature of 20-37°C for 20 days, and then dried at a temperature of 45°C. Can not be sun or grilled in the oven. The drying temperature must not exceed 50 °C. Otherwise it will lose its aroma. In general, dry grasses produce about 100 kg per 667 square meters, and high-yielding up to 200 kg. 3. The quality of the product specifications is in the form of strips, quality, lightness, tight stripes on the surface, broken mask chrysanthemum patterns, gas fragrance, rich flavor, no insects, and mildew becomes high quality. China Agricultural Network Editor

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