Winter food four treasures nourishing moistening

Some parts of the skin are dry. The following 4 kinds of food are the tonic for autumn and winter, which can nourish and moisten.
Jujube: The first choice of jujube tonic in autumn and winter, jujube is nourishing Yin Runzao, Yifeibuqi Qingbu food, if you can and white fungus, lily, yam joint foraging, better efficacy.

Cabbage: Its vitamin C content is 3.5 times that of tomatoes, and its calcium content is 2 times that of cucumbers. It also contains more trace elements molybdenum and manganese. It is an essential raw material for the production of enzymes, hormones and other active substances in the human body. It can promote the metabolism of human body and is an ideal diet in autumn and winter.

Sweet potatoes: Since sweet potatoes (especially yellow sweet potatoes) can supply a large amount of mucin, sugar, vitamin A and vitamin C to the human body, they have deficiency, qi, spleen and stomach, strong kidney yin, and stomach and warm stomach. Yifei and other effects. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes can prevent connective tissue atrophy in the liver and kidneys.è—•: It has a variety of nutrients, including starch, protein, vitamin C and so on. Raw food can cool blood scattered silt, cooked food is nourishing Yin and stomach, with the function of nourishing yin and nourishing blood. Meat can cure spleen and stomach deficiency.

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