Eating less staple food is harmful to health

According to relevant data, the consumption of staple foods of modern people is becoming less and less, and there is a shortage of food. This is a manifestation of the improvement of living standards, but it also hides the crisis. According to nutrition experts, carbohydrates contained in cereals are the major source of B vitamins in addition to providing energy to the body. One of the obvious hazards of the change in the status of the staple food is the lack of vitamin B1. According to reports, the content of vitamin B1 in refined grains is much higher than that of polished rice flour. The content in 100 grams of corn is 0.34 milligrams and the content in 100 grams of premium rice is only 0.08 milligrams.

Excessive intake of animal foods is more harmful. Animal fat is very detrimental to cardiovascular. Insufficient metabolism of animal fats in the absence of carbohydrates can cause accumulation of toxic wastes in the blood—ketones. Ketones can cause nausea, fatigue, and damage to brain health. In recent years, the incidence of these diseases has risen significantly, which has a great relationship with the non-grain-based food and the surge in animal food intake.

Then how should the food be eaten, the principle proposed by the experts is "diversified foods, mainly cereals." Specifically, an adult's daily food intake is about 400 grams. At least not less than 300 grams. Rice, millet porridge, mung bean porridge, and hair cakes should become common foods.

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