Diet and stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor derived from gastric epithelial cells and is the most common gastrointestinal cancer. In our country, the north is generally more than the south, and the coast is taller than the inland, with more men than women. The 40-60 year-old is a high-grade period, and its cause is not yet clear. It is most likely that there are carcinogenic substances in the diet. Eating more mildew, moldy food, pickles, smoked and marinated fish, and excessive salt may increase the risk of gastric cancer, while fresh vegetables, fruits and proteins may reduce the risk. Chronic stomach diseases, such as chronic gastritis or partial resection of the stomach, large amounts of bacteria in the stomach, can promote the role of carcinogens. Helicobacter pylori also plays a role in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer. Genetic factors can inherit genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer. The following five conditions are precancerous lesions:

(1) chronic atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia and atypical hyperplasia;

(2) adenoma polyps;

(3) residual gastritis;

(4) Pernicious anemia with a markedly flaccid stomach body;

(5) A small number of patients with gastric ulcer.

Early gastric cancer is asymptomatic and has no signs. Some may have dyspepsia. The earliest symptoms of advanced gastric cancer are upper abdominal pain, analgesia, anorexia, and easy satiety. Specific symptoms may occur during complications or metastases, such as dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, vomiting, melena, abdominal pain. Wait. X-ray barium meal examination for advanced gastric cancer diagnosis rate of up to 90%. Gastroscopy combined with mucosal biopsy is currently the most reliable diagnostic method, the diagnosis rate can reach 95%, and the relevant examination should be performed for patients with risk factors. Surgical treatment is the only method that may cure gastric cancer. The surgical effect and 5-year survival rate depend on the disease stage, invasion metastasis, and diffusion range of gastric cancer. Chemotherapy is often used to assist in surgical treatment.

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