Do a good job for the lambs in the ewes

Doing a good job in the ewes' lambing and lambing work has an important role in maintaining the health of the ewes, raising the survival rate of young lambs, and promoting the healthy growth of lambs. The process of expulsion of the fetus and its appendage from the uterus during pregnancy is called lambing. Generally, the breeding records of the root ewe's ewe presume that the ewe's pre-production period is based on the gestational period and strengthen the feeding and management of the ewe's ewes, and pay attention to the observation carefully, and make preparations before lambing. First, the signs of childbirth before ejaculation in the ewes, some organs of the body have undergone significant changes in histology, ewe's body behavior is also different from usual, these changes are to meet the needs of the fetus output and newborn lambs to do The physiological preparation. Comprehensive observation of these changes can often predict the delivery time so as to prepare for midwifery. 1. Changes in the breast: The breast develops rapidly before delivery and the glands are full. When the child is near the childbirth, a small amount of clear colloidal fluid can be squeezed out of the nipple, or a small amount of colostrum can be used to increase the thickening of the nipple. 2. Changes in the vulva: When the child is near the childbirth, the labia gradually becomes soft, swollen and enlarged, and the wrinkled wall on the labia skin spreads out and the skin turns red. Vaginal mucous membrane flushing, mucus changes from thick to thin and smooth, frequent urination. 3. Changes in the pelvis: The pubic symphysis of the pelvis, the ligaments of the tarsal joints, and the ligaments on both sides of the pelvis were enhanced in activity. They were soft in the tail and both sides. Holding the tail roots in your hands for up and down activities, you feel that the sacrum has moved upward. 4. Changes in behavior: The ewe’s nervousness, loss of appetite, review of the abdomen, lying up from time to time, continuing to blame and yelling, the abrupt subsidence of the abdomen is a typical symptom of labor, and should be immediately sent to the delivery room. Second, the normal production of ewes lamb. It's best to let it produce itself. The main task of the confinement workers is to monitor childbirth and care for the lambs that are born. During the normal confinement, first cut the flesh around the udder of the laboring ewes and on the inside of the hindlimbs, then wash the breasts with lukewarm water; extrude a few drops of colostrum, then wash the tail, genitals, and anus of the ewes, using 1% Su children disinfection. Under normal circumstances, lambs produce faster than the first born ewes, and the amniotic membrane ruptures for several minutes to 30 minutes. The normal lamb is usually the first two forelimbs first, the head attached to the two forelimbs above, with the hen's blame, the lamb can produce naturally. When producing double lambs, they should be separated by about 10 to 20 minutes, and the individual intervals should be longer. When the ewes produce the first lamb, they still have responsibilities and show pain. They are signs of twin lambs. At this time, the production personnel must carefully observe and carefully inspect. After the lamb is born, the mucus of the mouth, nose, and ear bones of the lamb should be wiped clean to avoid swallowing the amniotic fluid and causing asphyxia or foreign body pneumonia. The mucus on the lamb, while the confiscating staff wipes it, also allows the ewes to drain, which not only promotes the blood circulation of the newborn lamb, but also helps the ewes recognize the lamb. After the lambs are born, they usually cut the umbilical cord by themselves. At this time, they can be sterilized with 5% iodine solution at the tear site. If the lamb can't tear the umbilical cord by himself, firstly transfer the blood in the umbilical cord several times to the umbilicus of the lamb, and then manually tear off the appropriate part of the abdomen 3 to 4 centimeters from the abdomen for disinfection. About 1 hour after delivery of the ewes, the placenta will be naturally discharged, and the placenta should be removed in time to prevent the ewes from swallowing and developing bad habits. If the ewes are not discharged after 2 to 3 hours of delivery, measures should be taken promptly. Third, dystocia midwifery and treatment 1. Dystocia midwifery: Embryo pelvic stenosis, vagina is too small, the fetus is too large or the ewes frail, uterine contractions are weak or fetal position will cause dystocia. The amniotic membrane breaks the water for 30 minutes. If the ewes are not responsible for the weakness and the lamb is not yet produced, the midwife should immediately assist the baby. Midwifery personnel should shorten their fingernails, polish, disinfect their arms, and apply lubricated oil, and take corresponding treatment measures based on the conditions of dystocia. If the fetal position is not correct, first return the part of the fetus to the vagina, lift the hindquarters of the ewes, correct the fetal position into the birth canal, and then follow the rhythm of the ewes to pull out the fetus; if the fetus is too large, you can The lambs were pulled out and fed in for several forelimbs, and then they pulled their forelegs and held their hands. They slowly pulled them down with their nieces. Do not use too much force, or do not insist on pulling rhythm, so as not to pull the vagina. 2. Deal with the dead lamb: If the lamb does not breathe after it is produced, it will develop normally and the heart will still beat. This is called suspended animation. The reason is that lambs inhale amniotic fluid, or have long delivery time, lack of oxygen in the uterus. Treatment methods: First, lift the two hind legs of the lamb, and then pat the back and chest from time to time. Second, let the lamb lie flat and use both hands to push the sides of the chest in a rhythmic manner. After these treatments, the temporarily suspended lambs are likely to recover. Fourth, the treatment of postpartum ewes and birth lambs 1. Postpartum ewes: Postpartum ewes should pay attention to keep warm, moisture, shelter, prevent colds, keep quiet rest. In the first few days after delivery, feed should be given good quality and easy to digest. The amount should not be too much. After three days, the feed can be changed to normal. 2. Treatment of newborn lambs: After the lamb is born, the lamb should be fed with colostrum as soon as possible. Thin lambs or first-born ewes, as well as poorly nurturing ewes, need manual feeding. If the ewes are ill or if there is a shortage of one or more lambs, they should look for nanny sheep milk substitutes. Some ewes often have pathological phenomena soon after birth, shortly after birth, due to factors such as heredity, immunity, nutrition, and environment, as well as the smoothness of output. Therefore, preventive measures should be taken actively, such as selection of male and female rams during breeding, strengthening the feeding and management of ewes during pregnancy, paying attention to the environmental hygiene of livestock houses and individual hygiene of lambs, and reducing the occurrence of diseases, thereby enhancing the reproduction of lambs. Survival rate.

Nandrolone steroids is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS), their most popular selling ester on the market are Nandrolone Decanoate(Deca) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate(NPP). The Raw Steroids of nandrolone are all white crystalline powder. They are not active by mouth and must be given by injection into muscle. You can easily get the finished steroid oils, but there are still many people like brewing by themselves, or getting the semi-finished oils, because they are much cheaper than finished.


People always like compare the effects of different steroid or supplents and try to find the best suitable products for them. The most popular products that helps muscle gain or fat loss on the market are listed as Human Growth Hormone, Bodybuilding Peptides and Sarms Raws . If you are interested in improving your performance, if you want to take your athletic career to the next level, why not try Deca Durabolin? It`s one of the most recognized performance enhancing supplements on the market.


When talking about raws of Deca Durabolin, people also like comparing it with NPP. They both can increase dramatic strength, muscle mass and endurance, get more red blood cell count, and increase collagen synthesis/alleviate joint pain as well.


So what's the difference between the deca and npp raws hormone? Basically, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is a much shorter acting ester of deca durabolin. As we know, the chemical name of deca is Nandrolone Decanoate. Therefore, it is Nandrolone attached to the decanoate ester. This particular ester takes anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks to get fully absorbed by the bloodstream, which is why the effects of deca take a while to peak and [kick in". Similarly, NPP is a nandrolone, but in this case, it is attached to a Phenylpropionate ester. It takes roughly 3-5 days for this ester to get fully absorbed. Therefore, the phenylpropionate ester is a little slower than the common propionate ester, yet it is still faster than the enanthate ester.


And how to choose between a cycle with Deca or NPP?


Since deca durabolin is such a long ester, and it takes a much longer time to kick in, it would be a better choice to stick with deca on bulking cycles ranging from 12 to 16 weeks. Deca is usually injected twice a week to maintain stable blood levels. In fact, deca is one of the hardest anabolic steroid to recover from, mostly due to its long ester and half life.


On the other hand, NPP is should be injected every other day, making it a wiser choice for shorter cutting cycles, where shorter esters are often recommended. The reason NPP is preferred in cutting cycles is because it starts acting faster than deca and will clear out of the system much faster. Furthermore, NPP is optimal for cutting cycles because usually it gives less water retention and bloating than deca does. This is critical when cutting, as bloat and water weight can have a negative impact on a desired lean physique.


You can have the similar logic to know when bodybuilders run short cutting cycles using Testosterone propionate versus a longer esters such as enanthate or cypionate.


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