High survival rate of walnut garden establishment in autumn

After planting, it grows vigorously and grows large. Although the root system of the superior walnut seedlings is two years old, the branches are grown in the same year, especially the bud grafted walnut seedlings. This kind of seedlings should also be classified as fast-growing seedlings, because walnut seedlings are mostly grafted in June, and the growth period of the branches is shorter, regardless of the seedlings. Long tall and short, its accumulation of nutrients is less, the branches are not fully developed, and are prone to freezing damage or stripping during the winter. Therefore, the walnut grafted seedlings must be planed off for the winter to survive the winter safely. The seedlings of concentrated fake planting are not as safe as the seedlings that are planted and bent and buried in the soil during the winter, because if the fake planting is not proper, the roots of walnut seedlings are prone to mildew and the branches are easy to lose water. After planting, the growth of such seedlings in the year is very small.

Planting trees in autumn is conducive to the healing of root wounds. The difference between planting and fake planting is that the roots of the walnut seedlings can be fully contacted with the soil, so that the roots can not only moisturize, but also absorb water from the soil and accumulate nutrients, especially in autumn. Walnut seedlings that are planted after deciduous leaves have a period of growth before the walnut tree root system is frozen. Although the root system of the fake plant is also buried in wet soil or wet sand, it is only for moisture retention. This is why the walnut tree planted in autumn is more The reason why walnut trees planted in spring are growing well.

In the northern regions, the climate is generally dry in spring, with more wind and less rain. Trees are planted in spring. Seedlings are prone to lose water during the process of seedling rise, transportation and planting, which reduces the survival rate and affects the growth of the year; autumn rainfall is more, more rainy The weather and air humidity are relatively high, which is one of the reasons for the high survival rate of trees planted in autumn.

The autumn planting time is long and the farming work is small, so it can be constructed by concentrated labor. In the spring, the farming work is more and the time is concentrated. When large-scale development and construction of the garden, it is easily restricted by time and labor.

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