How to store corn?

Remove impurities. When corn is harvested, it often contains many unprocessed grains, broken grains, alfalfa crumbs and cobs and other impurities, which have strong hygroscopicity, large amount of respiration, large amount of bacteria, and small pores, and easily accumulate hot and humid resulting in heat and mildew and insect pests. Therefore, the corn must be sieved after the harvest to remove impurities and store it again to ensure safe storage of grain. Drying and cooling. Safe storage of corn must be controlled moisture and temperature conditions, according to practice, corn water 12.5%, temperature about 35 °C, generally safe storage. Corn should be fully exposed or dried after harvest to reach a safe moisture standard. During storage, attention should be paid to ventilation and the newly harvested corn should be kept dry and low humidity to ensure safety. The use of "double low" storage, low humidity sealed investment, low-dose aluminum phosphide tablets and natural oxygen reduction storage effect. Prevent pests. The use of plastic film pressure steaming or sealed oxygen storage can not only prevent insects, but also have a good effect of moisture and poison. The wormy corn can be screened or treated with fumigation. Large corn particles, generally small pests, the use of 6 holes / inch screen insect removal effect of up to 80%. Fumigation with phosphine drugs is cheap and insecticidal. In the northern regions, winter cold and low-temperature treatment are mostly used. The grain temperature is reduced to below 0°C, and it is cooled and sealed. It has good effects on the control of beetles and moth larvae. China Agricultural Network Editor

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