Japan’s Beijing University team found that substances that cause immune pancreatitis are expected to be used for diagnosis and treatment.

Japan’s Beijing University team found that substances that cause immune pancreatitis are expected to be used for diagnosis and treatment.

August 13, 2018 Source: World Wide Web

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[Global Network Report] According to a report by Japan’s Kyodo News Agency on August 9th, the team at Kyoto University in Japan published a research report on the online edition of the American Medical Journal on the 8th, saying that “autoimmunity against human antibodies in the body’s body attacked the pancreas and caused diabetes”. "Pancreatitis", by using experiments in mice, found that antibodies attack proteins that are the cause of pancreatitis.

It is reported that the computed tomography (CT) image of the affected area is similar to that of pancreatic cancer, so there have been cases of misdiagnosis and surgical removal of the pancreas.

A research team member, a special researcher at the University of Kobe University who studied medical research in digester science, said Yoshikawa Yoshihiro: "In addition to developing new treatment methods, I also want to explore the diagnosis and treatment effects by exploring the amount of antibodies. determination."

The team confirmed that after injecting antibodies from the patient's blood into the mice, the mice developed symptoms similar to autoimmune pancreatitis. After detailed investigation, it was found that the antibody attacked the cell function protein called "Laminin-511" around the pancreatic cells.

It was reported that in order to confirm that Laminin-511 was attacked and caused autoimmune pancreatitis, the team injected Laminin-511 into other mice, and found that antibodies were produced, which attacked the pancreatic Laminin-511 and caused a disease.

It is estimated that there are 5,000 to 10,000 patients with autoimmune pancreatitis in Japan. The detailed pathogenesis is still unknown. (Reporter Wang Huan)

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