Nine different physiques for eating different fruits? See if you are suitable to eat å•¥

Although the nutritional value of fruits is high, but from the perspective of Chinese medicine, fruits are not arbitrarily eaten, in fact, the fruit of different physiques is not the same. So what kind of fruit are the people with yang deficiency, hot and humid constitution, etc.?

What kind of fruit can be eaten by nine different physiques?


Physical characteristics: shapely and robust.

Common performances: complexion, complexion, dense hair and shiny eyes The nose is bright, the sense of smell is good, the lips are ruddy, and there is no relief. Not easy to fatigue, energetic. Both cold and hot have good tolerance, good sleep and good appetite. The urine will be normal. Observe the color of the tongue, it is pale red, the tongue is thin and white, and the pulse and then there is a god.

Suitable for fruit: apples, plums, pineapples, grapes, lemons, etc. Pleasantly balanced fruit such as jujube, hawthorn, olive, pumpkin seed, peanut, black sesame, lotus seed, orange, bayberry and so on.

【Yang deficiency quality】

Physical characteristics: body fat, muscles are not strong.

Common performance: usually afraid of cold, hand and foot "heat shortage", like hot drinks hot food, lack of energy, sleep more. The color of the tongue is pale, slightly fat, and there are tooth marks on the edges and the tongue is moist. The pulse is weak and weak. Some people have a soft-white complexion, often with "panda eyes", pale lips, easy to fall off and sweat easily. The stools are sporadic and odorless. The urine is long and clear. Due to the cold, some hot sleeps often shrink into shrimps.

Suitable for fruit: longan, lychee, durian, orange, jujube, apple, peach and so on.

Qi deficiency quality

Physical characteristics: muscles are not strong.

Common performance: low voice, shortness of breath, lazy words, easy to fatigue, lack of energy, easy to sweat. The tongue was pale red, the tongue was plump, and the edges of the tongue were marked with teeth, and the pulse was imaginary. Easy to feel dizzy and forgetful. Some people have normal bowel movements. Some people have loose stools. They still feel that they have not finished pulling. Urine is normal or volume, and the frequency is more.

Suitable for fruit: oranges, grapes, bayberry, longan, litchi, jujube, apple, peach and so on.

【Yin deficiency quality】

Physical characteristics: physique elongated.

Common performance: hand, foot and heart heat, usually easy to dry mouth, dry throat, thirst, like to drink cold drinks. Dry nasal cavity, less nose. Dry stools, red tongue, less saliva, less tongue. Some people will also look flushed, heart has a feeling of heat, dry eyes, look at the flowers, dry skin, and thus more prone to wrinkles. Some people have dizziness and tinnitus, poor quality of sleep, short and urinating urination, and pulse-like “strings and numbers”.

Suitable for fruit: black sesame, sweet almond, sugar cane, peach, grape, red bayberry and so on.

【Heat and heat quality】

Physical characteristics: The body is fat or thin.

Common performance: usually face often shiny, prone to acne acne. The tongue is reddish, and the tongue is greasy. It is easy for the mouth to dry up, and the body feels heavy and tired. Some people will be upset, work without spirit, bloodshot eyeballs, dry stools, or sticky, short urine and deep color, some men's scrotum looks more moist, women are more leucorrhea. Pulses are more "slippery" and appear to be rapid.

Suitable for fruit: fresh lotus seeds, hawthorn, olives, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, black sesame seeds, oranges, grapes, etc.



Physical characteristics: body shape obesity, especially abdominal fat, soft.

Common performance: facial skin more oil, sweat and more sticky, easy chest tightness, phlegm more. Some people look pale yellow, eyes slightly swollen, easy to sleepy. The tongue is large, the tongue is greasy, and the mouth is often sticky, greasy, and sweet. Usually eat sweet foods and fatty foods. The stool is normal or slightly spitting, with little or no urine. The pulse is slippery.

Suitable for fruit: lotus seeds, hawthorn, oranges, peanuts, olives, red beans, lentils, beans, etc.

瘀Blood quality

Physical characteristics: mostly thin people.

Common performance: dark complexion, dark skin pigmentation, prone to freckle and pain. Lips dark or purple. The tongue is dark and flaky, the tongue is varicose and the pulse is fine. Some people have dark eyes, dark noses, falling hair, and dry skin. Women often have dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, or blood clots that have more coagulation in the menstrual blood. The color of the menstrual blood is purple and black and there are blocks. Some people even have bleeding tendency, vomiting blood, and uterine bleeding.

Suitable for fruit: Hawthorn, Virgo, Hawthorn, Olive, Pumpkin Seed, Black Sesame, Lotus Seed.

Qi qi

Physical characteristics: mostly thin

Common performances: The most common is introverted instability, fragile depression, sensitive suspiciousness, poor ability to adapt to mental stimuli, and painful faces. The expression is boring and unhappy. Some people feel sensation of chest pain or pain, often sigh, burp, or throat is always uncomfortable, there are things obstructed. Some women have breast pain. Poor sleep, loss of appetite, forgetfulness, phlegm, excessive bowel movements, normal urine. The tongue is reddish, tongue coating is thin and white, and the pulse is thin.

For fruit: citrus, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, black sesame seeds, lotus seeds, grapes, olives and so on.

Special quality

Physical characteristics: Some have congenital physiological defects or appearance without special.

Common manifestations: Hereditary diseases have vertical inheritance, common family characteristics, etc. Fetal transmission diseases are maternal effects on fetal individual growth and development and related disease characteristics.

Suitable for fruit: oranges, grapes, bayberry, longan, lychee, jujube, apple, peach, etc., and avoid easily causing allergies fruit.

Must know six eating fruit notes

Stick to 1-2 servings (about 200 grams per serving) per day

"An apple a day, the doctor is away from me." This is a well-known health advice. In fact, in addition to apples, eating any kind of fruit every day is also very beneficial to human health. Chen Chaogang said that fruits contain the human three treasures, also known as three "prime", namely vitamins, trace elements (minerals), cellulose, these nutrients not only promote health, but also can prevent certain cancers and many diseases, fruits also contain Many other active ingredients are good for health and prevent diseases.

Studies in Australia have found that eating citrus fruits such as mandarin oranges, oranges, and oranges can reduce the incidence of cancer in the oral cavity, throat, stomach and intestines by 50%, reduce the incidence of stroke by 19%, and at the same time cause cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and Diabetes also has a certain preventive effect.

Therefore, for the sake of health, it is best to keep 1-2 servings (about 200g per serving) of fruit intake each day.

Eat between meals

When is it good to eat fruit? Is it before or after the meal? In fact, fruit is a snack and it is best to eat between meals. And if you want to lose weight, you can eat some fruit 20-40 minutes before the meal, so as to prevent obesity caused by eating too much. Fruit generally has lower calories. Eat fruit before meals, which are rich in fructose and glucose, can be quickly absorbed by the body to meet the body's energy "urging", the crude fiber in the fruit can also make the stomach full of flu, which can reduce food intake for dinner .

Eat as much seasonal fruit as possible

At present, many people think that eating more seasonal fruits, and anti-seasonal fruits should eat less. In fact, although some anti-seasonal fruits are ripened and preserved with some chemicals, there will be some negative effects on the human body, especially infants and young children. The impact, but many anti-seasonal fruits, is not necessarily a product of the greenhouse, which also has products from the south, or even products from abroad. For example, in Hainan, fruits and vegetables can be produced all year round. In fact, there is no seasonal issue, and its nutritional value may not necessarily be lower than seasonal products in the north. Therefore, as long as a reasonable choice can be eaten regularly, it will have greater health benefits than not eating fruit.

In Guangdong, there are fruit and seasonal fruits for many years. Fruits for many years are: banana, orange, orange, watermelon, grape, papaya, wind pear (pineapple), pomegranate, jackfruit, cherry, mangosteen and so on. Seasonal fruits include: litchi, longan, dates, mango, durian, yellow skin, rambutan and so on.

Cannot replace vegetables or staple foods with fruits

Some people think that eating fruits and vegetables will not gain weight, so eat special foods, and even use fruits instead of vegetables or staple foods. The content of minerals and vitamins contained in fruits is generally less than that of vegetables, and the two kinds of cellulose are different. If you do not eat vegetables, relying on fruits alone is not enough to provide enough nutrients.

In addition, most fruits have more than 85% moisture content, and their protein content is very low. At around 1%, they are almost free of essential fatty acids, which is far from meeting the human needs for protein and fat. Therefore, fruits can only be used as nutritional supplements and cannot be used as staple foods.

High sugar content fruits, should not eat too much at one time

(1) Tomatoes with 2% sugar content in low-sugar fruits;

(2) watermelon, cantaloupe sugar 4%-5%;

(3) Grapes, cherries, oranges, oranges, clams, pears, peaches, plums, pomegranates, lemons, grapefruits, bayberry, apples, pineapples, etc. all contain about 8% to 12% sugar.

(4) Bananas, longans, lychee, persimmons, and coconuts contain sugar at 14%-20%.

Eating or mad eating fruit with high sugar content will make you gain weight! Therefore, Chen Chaogang believes that it is better to use less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit: watermelons, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, plums, pineapples, strawberries, tomatoes, etc. These fruits can provide 20 per 100 grams. - 40 kilocalories of energy, such as litchi, longan, durian, etc. These fruits will not increase the body's excessive calories and may eat as much as possible. For other fruits with high sugar content, be careful not to eat more.

Choose the right fruit based on your condition

Different patients also pay attention to eating fruit. People with diabetes should eat less fruits such as bananas, lychee, longan, jujube, etc., with higher sugar content, but apples, oranges, oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, and other fruits with medium or low sugar content can be selected.

Patients with myocardial infarction should not eat apples, persimmons, lotus seeds and other fruits containing more tannic acid, so as to avoid a strong convergence, increase constipation, resulting in repeated attacks of the disease.

Patients with hepatitis eat more oranges and fresh dates and other fruits containing more Vitamin C, is conducive to the treatment and recovery of hepatitis.

Often dry stools, you can eat more peaches, bananas, oranges, etc., because these fruits have a higher cellulose content, persimmons contain a lot of persimmon, eat more can increase constipation.

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