Ssangyong silver needle health care function

Health function

The antioxidants contained in the tea help to combat aging. Because of the metabolic process of the human body, if it is over-oxidized, it will produce a large number of free radicals, and it will easily age and damage the cells. SOD (superoxide dismutation) is a radical scavenger that effectively removes excess free radicals and prevents them from damaging the human body. The catechins in green tea can significantly increase the activity of SOD and scavenge free radicals.


Studies have shown that catechins in green tea have inhibitory effects on some bacteria that cause illness in humans, but at the same time they do not harm the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, so green tea has the function of regulating the intestines. Studies have shown that tea polyphenols can remove excessive harmful free radicals in the body and can regenerate highly effective antioxidants such as α-VE, VC, GSH, and SOD in the body, thereby protecting and repairing the antioxidant system and enhancing immunity. It has a significant effect on preventing cancer and preventing aging. Drinking green tea for a long time can reduce blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure, thereby preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The medical research group of Showa University in Japan placed 10,000 highly virulent E. coli 0-157 in 1 ml of a tea polyphenol solution diluted to ordinary tea. After five hours, all the bacteria died. None of them died. Left.


Animal experiments conducted by scientists have shown that catechins in tea can reduce plasma total cholesterol, free cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol. Experiments on humans have shown that it inhibits platelet aggregation and reduces the incidence of arteriosclerosis. Green tea contains flavonols, which have anti-oxidative effects, prevent clotting of blood clots and platelets, and reduce cardiovascular disease.

Slimming and fat loss

Green tea contains theophylline and caffeine, which can activate protein kinases and triglyceride lipases through many actions to reduce the accumulation of fat cells and thus achieve weight loss.

Anti-cavity, clear mouth odor

Green tea contains fluorine, which catechin can inhibit the role of phytosanitary bacteria, reduce the occurrence of plaque and periodontitis. The tannins contained in the tea have a bactericidal effect and can prevent food slag from growing bacteria, so it can effectively prevent bad breath.


Green tea has an inhibitory effect on certain cancers, but its principle is limited to the inference phase. For the prevention of cancer, drinking tea inevitably has its positive encouragement.

Whitening and UV protection

Experts found in animal experiments that the catechins in green tea are resistant to skin cancer caused by UV-B.

Can improve dyspepsia

Recent studies have shown that green tea can help improve dyspepsia, such as acute diarrhea caused by bacteria, can drink a little green tea to alleviate the disease.

Medical Blister Packaging Machine

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4. Electronic components and pneumatic accessories are guaranteed for three years

5. The machine is mainly composed of 304 stainless steel plate and aluminum alloy, anti-corrosion material, up to the medical standard;

6. Small size, easy to posit, conventional size, practical function, etc.

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