12 symptoms of female kidney deficiency

Kidney is the birthplace of women's beauty and health. When you use makeup, face your face that is still yellow and dark, puffy eyes after getting up early, hair that is gradually falling off... You must attach importance to destroying your beauty.” Kidney deficiency! Here comes from the test!

1. There are often hair strands falling in the morning;

2. There is a significant increase or decrease in body weight. In the morning, he found that abdominal muscles were weak and pale and bloodless;

3, memory loss, yesterday thought of good things, how can not remember today;

4, three meals a day, eating very little, eliminate weather factors, even if the taste is very suitable for their own dishes, they often taste the same chewing wax;

5, often can not sleep at night, even if you fall asleep, the quality is very bad;

6, often get up at night, there are urinary frequency during the day;

7. Sexuality declines, and the husband clearly expresses sexual requirements to you, but you often feel tired;

8, work emotion has always been unable to rise. What puzzles you most is that the nameless fire is great, but there is no energy attack;

9, after working for 1 hour, the body is tired, chest tightness, shortness of breath, looking forward to go home and go to bed a short break, but after going to bed and can not sleep;

10. It is obvious that the breasts are not strong before, muscles are loose, and they gradually feel fat;

11, dry skin, there are stripes. There are crow's feet, chloasma, etc. on the face;

12. Irregular menstruation, this month is not stable, lying uneasy.

If three of the above conditions occur at the same time, it is likely that kidney deficiency.

Recommend several kidney foods

Yam - flat nature, sweet, for the Chinese medicine "top grade" of the drug, in addition to the lungs, spleen function, but also to fill the essence of kidney. Everyone with kidney deficiency should eat it regularly.

Scallops - also known as Jiang Xiaozhu. The nature is flat, sweet and salty, it can nourish the kidney, so kidney yin deficiency should eat it regularly.

Squid - also known as calyx, scorpion fish. The nature is flat and sweet. It can not only make up the spleen and stomach, but also make up the liver and kidney and benefit bones and bones.

Chestnuts - warm, sweet, in addition to the role of spleen and stomach, but also more power to strengthen the kidney, kidney deficiency back pain, the most appropriate food.

Wolfberry fruit - sexual level, sweet, with kidney and Liver, Yijingmingmu, Zhuang bones, in addition to low back pain, Jiufu can longevity and other functions. Especially the middle-aged women with kidney deficiency, the most suitable food.

Polygonum multiflorum-has the function of supplementing liver and kidney, benefiting essence and blood, and ancient physicians used it for people with kidney deficiency. People with kidney deficiency have early white hair, or weak waist and knees, aching muscles, or men's spermatorrhea. Women take them and eat them.

Do not eat or eat - wolfberry, persimmon, raw radish, lettuce, cucumber, raw sweet potatoes, watermelon, melon, onion, pepper, mustard, cloves, fennel, pepper, mint, leeks, chrysanthemum, salt, sauce, white wine And cigarettes.

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