Shandong will increase grain production by more than 1 billion kilograms this year

The Shandong Provincial Government proposed at the “Provincial Rural Work Conference” on the 30th that this year Shandong will base its efforts on increasing grain production for 10 consecutive years, deepen the implementation of a 100 billion kg grain production capacity development plan, and accelerate the upgrading of 73 grain productivity task counties and 12 production capacities. The production capacity of the reserve counties is increased by more than 1 billion kilograms of new grain production capacity.

Jia Wanzhi, deputy governor of Shandong Province, said that in 2011, Shandong defeated rare droughts in autumn, winter, and spring, overcoming the influence of multiple diseases and pests, recurrences, and typhoons, floods, and other unfavorable factors, and grain production continued to grow steadily. The output reached 88.53 billion jins, hitting the highest level in history, and achieved a continuous 9-year increase in production since 2003, providing solid support for ensuring national food security and ensuring steady and rapid economic and social development.

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The person in charge of the Shandong Provincial Government stated that stabilizing the grain planting area is the basis for ensuring stable production increase. All localities in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure must ensure the planting area of ​​grain. On the basis of the wheat planting area of ​​54.38 million mu, the autumn grain planting area will strive to reach 54 million mu, an increase of more than 500,000 mu.

At the same time, Shandong will actively promote the reform of the farming system, tap the potential of land resources, and strive to increase the multiple cropping index by expanding the intercropping area of ​​grain, oil, grain, food, grain, and cotton. While ensuring the stable increase of grain production, it will prevent the production of cotton, peanuts, vegetables and other crops from fluctuating significantly and ensure the balanced supply of bulk agricultural products.

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