Pregnant women can avoid colds without taking medicine and injection

The respiratory mucosa of pregnant women such as the nose, pharynx, and trachea is hypertrophic, edema, hyperemia, and disease resistance are reduced, so it is easy to catch a cold. Pregnant women with colds are often afraid of having adverse effects on the fetus. For example, some pregnant women in early pregnancy, fever, because of the fear of medication led to the development of fetal brain cells were affected, had to use artificial abortion. In the early stages of a cold, the following methods can also be used to cure colds without taking medicines and injections.

1. When a cold starts to itch and itch, it is immediately treated with concentrated saline for 10 times every 10 minutes.

2, drinking chicken soup can reduce nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms during the cold, but also have a good effect on the removal of respiratory viruses. Regular drinking of chicken soup can enhance the body's natural resistance and prevent colds. Add some pepper, ginger and other condiments to the chicken soup or eat it below to cure the common cold.

3. Pour about 42 degrees of hot water into the insulated tea cup. The person who suffers from cold will put the mouth and nose into the mouth of the cup and continue to inhale the hot steam three times a day.

4, pregnant women cough, you can beat an egg, add a small amount of sugar and ginger juice, with half a cup of boiling water, 23 times to cough.

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